Job description SOISC


Duties and competencies of State-Owned Improved Seeds & Agricultural Services Corporation

1- Prepare related operational, commercial, constructional and development proposals with its implement.

2- Production and multiplication of breeder, foundation, registered, certified and hybrid seeds in progressive farmers and SOISC owned farms based on market demand.

3- Production and multiplication of various fruitful and ornamental seedlings based on market demand.

4- Equipping and reconstruction of SOISC sections with modern technology.

5-Increase revenue and customers satisfaction using efficient marketing methods.

6-Prepare and analyse production prices based on principle of efficiency and competition.

7-Packaging of products based on national and international standards.

8-Sign supply contract of production and other necessary materials with personals, GOV and Non GOV organizations.

9- Provide the way for employee’s capacity building in professional, technical and administrative sections.

10- Establish retailers to supply products in country based on demand.

11- Provide work facilities for employees in professional, technical and administrative sections.

12- Provide agricultural inputs and machineries in order to increase corporation’s revenue based on internal procedures.

13- Create efficient and transparent financial, accounting, logistic and reporting system based on legislative documents.

14- Attract private investment in related activities of SOISC